Joachim Brohm at The Ville Heike and The Museum Ludwig


Brohm_Disjoint Fire_Villa Heike Berlin 1



Joachim Brohm‘s photography is currently in two fascinating shows ending this weekend; WAS UNS VERBINDET / WHAT CONNECTS US (group) at The Ville Heike in Berlin, and Ruhr Landscapes, 1981-83 (solo) at The Museum Ludwig in Cologne.



Brohm Ruhr 1980-83. 42 Kopie


At the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Joachim Brohm’s Ruhr Landscapes, 1981-83, are on display

“Th­ese pho­to­graphs of­fer a spe­cial look at this time of change in the Ruhr. The eco­nom­ic cri­sis and a wide-rang­ing struc­tu­ral change trig­gered by the de­c­line of heavy in­dus­try left their mark on so­ci­e­ty as well as the in­dus­trial land­s­cape. Brohm’s col­or pho­to­graphs dif­fer marked­ly from the many pho­to­graphs of the Ruhr that were tak­en at the same time, which mapped the re­gion, its peo­ple, and ev­ery­day life in pho­tog­ra­phy. Of­ten tak­en from a great dis­tance, they show a broad view of an aban­doned land­s­cape in which the de­tails be­come sig­ni­f­i­cant. This al­so in­cludes the fact that peo­ple set­tled in the former­ly in­dus­trial land­s­capes which were now used for new pur­pos­es.” 


View the Exhibition HERE



Brohm_Disjoint Fire_Villa Heike Berlin 2


At the Ville Heike, Joachim Brohm’s Disjoint Fire, consisting of 15 – Pigment-prints, depicts a variety of fire landscapes.


“The work is based on my continual interest in the connection of topography and the cultural uses of our landscape. The photographs do not depict a specific place or event, but rather point to a variety of possible contexts like rituals, regional customs or also fire-accidents and disasters…

‘Disjoint Fire’ is my first digital artwork, photographed and printed by myself in 2002. The work and its original data have gotten lost for the last 18 years and the prints have only recently been rediscovered. There is no edition and these are the only 15 existing prints.” -Joachim Brohm


View the Exhibition HERE



In addition, listen back to an interview Joachim Brohm just gave with Brad Feuerhelm, on the Podcast, Nearest Truth, Episode 41



1. Disjoint Fire, 2002 (Installation View)

2. Gelsenkirchen (Park Scene), Rhur, 1982 / 2006-08

3. Disjoint Fire, 2002 (Installation View)